
Have your cake and eat it!

Do you need a property valuation?

  • 3.59% 2-year fixed rate
  • Up to 65% discount on processing fee (for new purchases)
  • Zero processing fee (for mortgage transfer)
  • Option of independent insurance
  • Discounted variable rate after fixed period

There is a lot of buzz in the market about whether or not it is a good time to get a mortgage in Dubai. Here are the reasons why you should get a mortgage today!

  • Interest rates in the UAE & UK are near all-time lows and the cost of borrowing is cheap.
  • UAE mortgages are more transparent these days and exit fees are capped by the Central Bank.
  • If you own a property in UAE or UK with little or no mortgage, make your investment work harder by leveraging to take advantage of lower real estate prices by buying a second property.
  • Do not over-invest your capital in one particular property or market. For example, anyone who measures their wealth in AED or USD and invested in the UK by buying in cash will have suffered a devaluation in wealth due to the volatility in the Pound, due to BREXIT.

Don’t miss out on the Espace Exclusive Mortgage Deal available on all the properties we have for Sale!

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